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College names (Stephen Andrew Weinstein)
(original, smirk, computers, college)

	No one calls my college by its full name.  Local residents tell who 
is one of them or us and who is an out-of-state visitor by whether they call it
"RPI" or "Rensselaer."  Even the post office has people send mail to 
"(Room #) (Building Name), RPI."  
	One day, a oman (compromise between man and woman so no one sues me) 
goes into a government agency and fills out a long form.  
Clerk:	Siram (Sir/Madam), here on question #123124323, you can't use acronyms.
Oman:	I didn't.  That's its name.  Check the phone book.
Clerk:	I've had a long day.  Now please, what is the full name, not RPI; the
longer thing I write when I have to mail something there.
Oman:	Oh, that.

(From the "Rest" of RHF)

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